
Monday, 21 January 2008


there is an awesome wind blowing today which made my recovery run over the sandhills harder than it should have been, but at least i got blown home !
the lower paths in the sand dunes were flooded today which is a rare sight, but it just goes to show how much rain we have had in the last week !
felt a little disappointed with my time at the 4 villages 1/2 marathon yesterday as i was really looking for 1.20, but the course was more hilly than i remembered, with 714 ft of climbing this was only 200 ft short of the ashurst beacon fell race, so all in all i think i did ok.
the race organizers say the route is fast and flat,but you know what race organizers descriptions are like, not unlike an estate agent describing a house, ie every thing in the kitchen is easy to hand ! in other words you could not even swing a cat in the room because its so small. or the house is convenient for the local bus route ! in other words the no 9 bus stops outside the house and every one on the upper deck can see into the bedroom !
i'm still only doing base training until march and 6 weeks of anaerobic conditioning should make a world of difference to my speed ! = 43 mins

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