
Monday, 7 January 2008

marathon training; running against the wind

i could hear the wind battering against the window,so i knew it was going to be a demanding run.
i set out at about my marathon pace to meet up with the club for the monday speed session.i added in a extra loop to give me 5 miles before the start of the club session.there was a good turn out tonight,i guess every one is keen and exited by the thought of a new year of racing.
we did 8 efforts ranging from about 400m up to 800m, i was running at around 5 min mile pace on most of these efforts.
after the session i headed home the long way trying to lift my pace back up to marathon speed.
i started to run on empty the last couple of miles and finished feeling a bit dizzy as my blood sugar dropped. hard day at the office !=1.54.49

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