mon NOV 5
on a dark windy night its always nice to know that you are going to meet up with your club mates for a training session.as i set off from home i was greeted by loud explosions and flashing,burning lights in the sky.yes it was bonfire night and it sounded like i was running through a war zone.we did a session of 8 x short intervals,both tracey and brian who raced with me on sunday complained of sore legs,me i was not too bad,all my long runs in the hills of parbold seemed to have helped.
ran home with john and rob.
14.36 miles = 2.02
tue NOV 6
easy run in sandhills with tess.
still very windy and getting cold.
oh i hate the coming of winter! =1.26
wed 7th
good steady run over the hills of parbold, felt ok;
13.18 miles=1.45
thur 8th
very windy almost gale force,not a nice day to be out.
10x 120m leg speed=45.51
fri 9th
core training
beacon park x/c 27th
sun 11th
easy, run with steve james round pinewoods,then ran home over the sandhills =1.44.07
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